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Central Excise - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights March 2022 Year 2022 This

Refund of unutilised CENVAT Credit - Once it is held that the ...

Appellant entitled to refund of unused CENVAT credit under CGST Act Section 142(2) and (6) due to non-transfer via TRAN-1.

March 21, 2022

Case Laws     Central Excise     AT

Refund of unutilised CENVAT Credit - Once it is held that the appellant has rightly taken cenvat credit and the same is lying in their books un-utilised as on 30.06.2017, when the provisions of CGST Act (GST regime) was implemented w.e.f. 01.07.2017, and thus if the appellant has not taken the un-utilised cenvat credit to the GST regime by filing form TRAN-1, they are eligible to refund of the un-utilised credit in terms of the transitional provision under Section 142(2) and (6) of the CGST Act - AT

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