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Home News News and Press Release Month 7 2016 2016 (7) This

Request for identifying the necessary infrastructural requirements to facilitate the roll out of the Income Tax Business Application (ITBA)

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DATED 27-7-2016

I am directed to enclose a copy of letter F.No. System/ITBA/Drop-1/14-15/150/2092 dated 11-3-2015 of DGIT (Systems), New Delhi already issued to all Pr.CCsIT. A list containing itemwise list of various infrastructural pre-requisites like network nodes, RSA Tokens, Bandwidth Augmentation requirements, Desktops and printers for each user, as per the minimum required configuration, was also enclosed with the said letter. It was requested to identify the aforesaid infrastructural facilities keeping in view the field requirements and to convey the same to the Directorate of Systems so that the requisite infrastructure can then be put in place so as to facilitate effective roll out of the ITBA well within time.

2. It has been brought to the notice of the Board that the infrastructural facilities, as discussed above, has not yet been assessed by the field authorities due to which the same has remained to be information to the Directorate of Systems. Keeping in view the urgency to roll out ITBA completely and also to set the background for future implementation of e-assessment across all jurisdictions in the Country, it is once again requested that the proposal for consolidated infrastructural requirements be send to the Directorate of Systems [a copy with enclosures marked to Pr.DGIT(Logistics)] immediately in the format that has already been conveyed. A copy of the above referred letter of DGIT(Systems) is being enclosed again for ready reference.

3. The compliance in respect of above may please be communicated to the respective Zonal Members by 16-8-2016 positively.


All Pr.Chief Commissioners of income Tax/Chief Commissioners of Income Tax [CCAs).


Sub: Request for identifying the necessary infrastructural requirements to facilitate the roll out of the Income Tax Business Application (ITBA) -Reg.

The Income Tax Business Application (ITBA] is being rolled out from April, 2015 onwards and the infrastructurel pre-requisite include the Network nodes, RSA Tokens, Bandwidth augmentation wherever needed, Desktops and printers for each user, as per the minimum required configuration, enclosed herewith.

2. in view of the aforesaid, it is requested to assess the infrastructure requirement for all officers and staff members (as per list enclosed) for accessing the Income, Tax Business Application. Such exercise may be undertaken with assistance of CIT (CG).As the CIT (Appeal) Module would be amongst the first to be rolled out, the requirements with regard to CIT (A) and their staff may be identified on a priority basis.

3. The IT infrastructure requirements in terms of network nodes and RSA tokens may then be identified and as per previous communications or instructions, reference may be made to the Director of Income Tax, (Systems)-IV, New Delhi by 20th March, 2015, so that requisite infrastructure can then be put in place well in time to facilitate effective roll out of the ITBA.

4 A separate screen for capturing the infrastructure requirements have been developed in the ITD application. Information will be captured as per the attached layout (Screen shot attached).The screen will be accessible to CsIT(CO) only and where there are multiple CsIT(CO) users within the same CCIT(CCA) charge, duplicity should be avoided.

5. Nodal officers in each building may be nominated by Pr. CCIT, CIT(CO)/Addl.CIT (Hqrs.) may be assigned the overall in charge for coordination between Pr. CCIT and the Directorate of Systems.

This issues with the approval of Director General of income Tax (Systems), New Delhi.

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