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TMI Tax Updates - e-Newsletter
April 20, 2018

Case Laws in this Newsletter:

GST Income Tax Customs Corporate Laws Insolvency & Bankruptcy Service Tax Central Excise CST, VAT & Sales Tax Indian Laws


Highlights / Catch Notes


  • Zero rated supply or not - supply from the shop located in the Security Hold Area of the IGI International Airport - supply to an International outbound passengers holding international boarding pass – when goods are exported by Air, the export will be completed only when goods crosses airspace limits of its territory or territorial waters of India - AAR

  • Income Tax

  • Addition being the difference in receipts as per the Profit and Loss Account and as per AS-26 - addition was made solely based on the AIR information without bringing any cogent evidence on record to suggest that the assessee received income from the said parties especially when the assessee is denying any transactions with those parties - addition directed to be deleted - AT

  • TDS u/s 194J - Data Circuit / Broadband / Multi-Protocol Label Switching (“MPLS”) charges - In the absence of any human intervention for transmitting the DATA through such DATA link satellite link line, the payments made for utilizing such services was not in the nature of technical services governed by section 194J - AT

  • Unexplained share capital receipts - one of the directors attended the proceedings on behalf of the investor companies. - the allegation that the share applicant companies do not exist holds no water. No merit in the additions made by the A.O - AT

  • Transfer Pricing Adjustment - if under both the scenarios, no interest has been charged on similar nature of receivables, then it has to be reckoned that the transaction with the related party meets the arm’s length requirement vis-à-vis, the transactions with the unrelated third parties - addition made by the TPO is directed to be deleted. - AT

  • Valuation of the closing stock of scrap - AO is not justified in valuing the closing stock of packing materials representing scrap based on the scrap sales made in subsequent years ignoring the principles of valuation of stock as enumerated in AS 2 issued by ICAI which is also mandated to be followed u/s 145A of the Act. - AT

  • TDS u/s 194J - Audit fees - Disallowance made u/s 40(a)(ia) - non deduction of tds - the name of the payee (i.e the auditor) is very well known to the assessee in order to make provision for audit fees by crediting to the said auditor’s account - we are not inclined to accept the arguments of the ld AR that the audit report is signed after the end of the year - demand conirmed - AT

  • Customs

  • Valuation - levy of CVD on the basis of MRP - imported Digital Video Projectors and Decoders - leasing of projector - there is no sale involve, hence the CVD cannot be charged on the basis of RSP/MRP in terms of Section 4A of the Central Excise Act, 1944. - AT

  • Penalty u/s 114(A) - appellants have wrongly claimed the exemption as the goods imported was not meant for manufacture of optical fiber cable - It cannot be said that the appellants had any mala fide intention of fraudulently claiming the benefit of exemption notification - No penalty - AT

  • Maintainability of appeal before Tribunal - 100% EOU - issue of payment of Duty Drawback - the appeal is not maintainable before the Tribunal as the same is barred by provisions of Section 129A of Customs Act, 1962 - AT

  • Corporate Law

  • The holding Board Meeting without calling one of the directors of the company and general meeting was held without notice to the contesting respondents for increase of authorised share capital in the EOGM held on 28.11.2013 is invalid. - AT

  • Indian Laws

  • Recovery of outstanding dues - Filing of the FIR and even of the proceedings under Section 138 Negotiable Instruments Act did not debar the plaintiffs to avail the civil remedy to recover the outstanding amount. The defendant’s arrest pursuant to the cancellation of bail did not absolve him of the liability to pay the outstanding dues. - HC

  • IBC

  • Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process - there is a plausible dispute between the parties in regard to execution of contract involving supply of material as well as rendering of works at the site - The claim set up by the Appellant does not fall within the definition of operational debt - AT

  • Insolvency resolution by operational creditor - the application under sections 433 and 434 of the Companies Act, 1956 cannot be treated to be an application under section 9 of the I&B Code in terms of Rule 5 of Transfer Rules, 2016. In such circumstances, in view of proviso to Rule 5 of the Transfer Rules, the application under Sections 433 and 434 of the Companies Act, 1956 stands abated. - AT

  • Service Tax

  • Business Auxiliary services - Service of ‘commercial advisor’ - When the services provided in India and used outside India and payment of such services received by the service provider in convertible foreign exchange then it will be treated as Export of Services under Rules, 2005. - AT

  • Extended period of limitation - The department thus was in knowledge of the fact that the Appellant is not paying service tax on its activities - SCN was issued after 28 months of issuance of summon and 48 months of surrender of registration - extended period not invocable. - AT

  • GTA service - no consignment note is issued - when the vehicles are hired on monthly basis and the charges are not based upon destination but on kms basis, it cannot be said that the services involved are of Goods Transport Agency. - AT

  • Classification of service - activities involved civil construction, site preparation, road work, pump installation, piping, soil work etc. for their petrol pump retail outlets - Since the activities undertaken by the appellant involves both the execution of the job and for supply of goods, the same appropriately falls under the taxable category of “Works Contract service”. - AT

  • Central Excise

  • CENVAT credit - outdoor catering service - Period post 01.04.2011 - outdoor catering services are used by appellant in relation to the business of manufacture and not for any personal use or consumption of employees and credit remains allowed - AT

  • Valuation - inclusion of bought out items in assessable value - The nuts and bolts etc. are optional item which is sold as a bought out item to the customers, which is nothing but a trading activity. Therefore, the same cannot be considered as extra consideration towards the manufacture of excisable goods produced by the respondent. - AT

  • Valuation - enhancement of value - revenue neutrality - if duty had been paid by the appellants at the time of clearances, the same would have been available as cenvat credit in the hands of the buyer. Even of the appellants pay the differential duty, the same will be available as credit to the buyer. On this count also the issue is revenue neutral. - AT

  • Valuation - supply of Hydrogen gas through pipeline - inclusion of maintenance and operating charges on pipeline owned and maintained - demand for the normal period confirmed - AT

  • Refund claim - unjust enrichment - appellant had paid more duty at the time of clearance from the factory to depot, but have ultimately charged and realized less duty on the sale effected from the Depot - The refund has been denied simply based on presumptions, which is not tenable. - Refund allowed - AT

  • CENVAT credit - factitious purchase of raw material - fake invoices - There is no allegation by Revenue that the appellant sourced copper from any alternative source and apparently appellant have produced dutiable goods by using of copper and cleared the same on payment of duty - credit denied, however penalty waived - AT

  • VAT

  • Powers of the review under Section 25 of MVAT Act, 2002 cannot be exercised unilaterally. That before exercising such powers, service of valid notice is condition precedent. If such notice is not served on proper person in accordance with Rule 87(1) of the MVAT Rules, 2005, Reviewing Authority does not get jurisdiction to review the order - HC



Circulars / Instructions / Orders


Case Laws:

  • GST

  • 2018 (4) TMI 938
  • Income Tax

  • 2018 (4) TMI 935
  • 2018 (4) TMI 934
  • 2018 (4) TMI 933
  • 2018 (4) TMI 932
  • 2018 (4) TMI 931
  • 2018 (4) TMI 930
  • 2018 (4) TMI 929
  • 2018 (4) TMI 928
  • 2018 (4) TMI 927
  • 2018 (4) TMI 926
  • 2018 (4) TMI 925
  • Customs

  • 2018 (4) TMI 924
  • 2018 (4) TMI 923
  • 2018 (4) TMI 922
  • 2018 (4) TMI 921
  • 2018 (4) TMI 920
  • Corporate Laws

  • 2018 (4) TMI 919
  • 2018 (4) TMI 918
  • Insolvency & Bankruptcy

  • 2018 (4) TMI 937
  • 2018 (4) TMI 936
  • Service Tax

  • 2018 (4) TMI 914
  • 2018 (4) TMI 913
  • 2018 (4) TMI 912
  • 2018 (4) TMI 911
  • 2018 (4) TMI 910
  • 2018 (4) TMI 909
  • 2018 (4) TMI 908
  • 2018 (4) TMI 907
  • 2018 (4) TMI 906
  • 2018 (4) TMI 905
  • Central Excise

  • 2018 (4) TMI 904
  • 2018 (4) TMI 903
  • 2018 (4) TMI 902
  • 2018 (4) TMI 901
  • 2018 (4) TMI 900
  • 2018 (4) TMI 899
  • 2018 (4) TMI 898
  • 2018 (4) TMI 897
  • 2018 (4) TMI 896
  • 2018 (4) TMI 895
  • 2018 (4) TMI 894
  • 2018 (4) TMI 893
  • 2018 (4) TMI 892
  • 2018 (4) TMI 891
  • 2018 (4) TMI 890
  • 2018 (4) TMI 889
  • CST, VAT & Sales Tax

  • 2018 (4) TMI 888
  • 2018 (4) TMI 887
  • Indian Laws

  • 2018 (4) TMI 917
  • 2018 (4) TMI 916
  • 2018 (4) TMI 915

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