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Home e-Newsletters Index Year 2015 November Day 28 - Saturday

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TMI Tax Updates - e-Newsletter
November 28, 2015

Case Laws in this Newsletter:

Income Tax Customs Corporate Laws Service Tax Central Excise CST, VAT & Sales Tax Indian Laws


Highlights / Catch Notes

    Income Tax

  • Deduction of interest paid on borrowed sums from Bank under the provisions of Section 36(1)(iii) disallowed - diversion of loan - loan given to Directors and Sister concern - the company had reserve/surplus to the tune of almost 15 crores - claim of deduction of interest allowed - SC

  • TDS u/s 194J - payments made by the assessee in form of transmission/wheeling and SLDC charges - The primary basis to conclude the services to the falling u/s 194J of the Act to be technical services or not is to find as to whether any human intervention was involved in the activity or not - HC

  • Accommodation entries - Once the sales have been accepted, there must be purchases - total purchases cannot be disallowed. AO directed to restrict the addition to the extent of 10% of the purchases - AT

  • Profits in lieu of salary - chargeable to tax u/s 17(3) or section 28(va) - appellant was not an employee - compensation attributable to a negative/restrictive covenant is a capital receipt. - as the sum received by the appellant does not fall within the ambit of section 28(va), and being a capital receipt is not taxable - AT

  • Amount received towards the development fund - Taxing land premium on transfer in excess - the principle of mutuality was applicable to the assessee which had as its predominant activity, the maintenance of the property of the society which included its buildings) and as long as there was no taint of commerciality, trade or business, the receipt of transfer fees was not liable to tax - AT

  • Short term capital gain - AO held to be as bogus and not real accordingly assessed the same as income of the assessee from undisclosed sources - shares have been purchased only on the date on which they were credited in the d-mat account. - claim of assessee allowed - AT

  • Reopening of assessment - disallowance of deduction u/s 80IB - after having accepted that the assessee is a small scale industry for a good number of earlier years, it is not open for the AO to change his view, that too only for two years under consideration. - AT

  • Addition on account of valuation of closing stock by following FIFO method - assessee had miserably failed to demonstrate that it was following continuously weighted average cost method for the purpose of valuation - additions confirmed - AT

  • Customs

  • Denial of refund claim - Unjust enrichment - That burden cannot be deemed to have been discharged merely by saying that the price of the final products reduced after the import of the impugned goods because the price of the final product does not depend solely on the price of the impugned goods - AT

  • Imported of goods as ‘private personal property’ or import to warranty replacement by companies or commercial organization - Benefit of exemption Notification No. 80/70-Cus dated 24.08.1970 allowed - AT

  • Service Tax

  • Clarification regarding leviability of service tax in respect of Seed Testing with effect from 01.07.2012 - Circular

  • Advertising agency - amounts received as cash discount and incentives from media - service tax had been rightly imposed on the assessee-appellant besides recovery of interest on the confirmed demand - HC

  • Adjustment of excess payment of service tax with short payment - prescribed procedure of intimation to superintendent not followed - The only option is either to refund that amount or allow adjustment - Adjustment allowed - AT

  • Manpower Supply service - centralized group company providing various services to other group company - MPCMS is providing personnel to MFL and other group companies - Prima facise case is against the assessee - AT

  • Levy of interest and penalty on reversal of CENVAT credit - they had only taken the CENVAT credit erroneously but had sufficient balance in their account of CENVAT credit - appeal does not succeed on the issue of interest but the appellant will get relief on the penalty part - AT

  • Refund claim - Bar of limitation - Respondent filed refund claim consequential to the dropping of demand under adjudication order dated 27/11/2009 within 3 months - refund allowed - AT

  • CENVAT credit on steel items used for fabrication and erection of hoardings, central medians, bus shelters and unipoles which are erected for fixing advertising hoardings for the purposes of display of advertisements. - movable goods or not - credit is not allowable - AT

  • Valuation - to claim exemption under Notification No.12/2003-ST it is not necessary that invoices should separately indicate the value of the goods sold and the benefit of the said notification can be granted when there is transfer of possession of goods - AT

  • Central Excise

  • Destruction of the sample - Only for the sake of absence of a column mentioning the date of destruction of the sample, without there being any finding as to clearance or sale of any sample products by the assessee, no adverse inference can be drawn based on presumptions and assumptions - AT

  • Imposition of penalty u/s 11AC - differential duty was paid suo motu as pointed out by the Audit Team without disputing liability - Clearance of goods to sister concern much prior to issue of show-cause notice - Clearance of goods in unpacked condition - Penalty cannot be leived - AT

  • Claiming area based exemption after availing full duty exemption under SSI exemption - the filing of this declaration cannot be said to be a pure procedural or technical requirement - exemption Notification No. 50/03-CE would be available to the appellant only w.e.f. 28/06/2010 and not for the period prior to 28/06/2010 i.e. the date of filing of declaration - AT

  • Refund claim u/r 5 of unutilized Cenvat Credit - appellant has debited the amount in the Cenvat credit account on 01.07.2003 i.e. on the date of filing of the refund claim satisfied the said condition. The fact that the details of the same have not been reflected in the ER-2 or in the application filed will not make any difference - AT

  • Excess material found during search in the premises of Job worker - provisions of Rule 15 of Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004 and Rule 25 of Central Excise Rules, 2002 are not applicable to the facts of cases in hand, consequently, the confiscation of the goods in question is set aside - AT

  • VAT

  • Disallowance of the claim of Input Tax Credit (ITC) - pre-requisite for denying ITC under Section 18 - This would place an exempted manufacturer-dealer at a disadvantageous position and make his products uncompetitive inspite of the exemption notifications under Section 8(3) of the RVAT - SC

  • DST - The imposition of penalty is not automatic even assuming that the reassessment was justified. The fact that there was a dissenting opinion by one of the Members of the Tribunal, does indicate that it is not a case of concealment of particulars but a case where there is a possible interpretation in favour of the Assessee. - HC

  • Reopening of assessment - Delhi Sales Tax - A mistake in the original assessment will not by itself constitute a justification for reopening of the assessment particularly where all the material facts were already known to the assessing authority. - HC

  • Classification of goods under Assam VAT - ayurvedic medicines or cosmetics and toilet preparations - when some goods which are drugs and medicines in their primary use but have cosmetic use as well cannot be treated as product covered by entry 1 of the Fifth Schedule. - HC



Circulars / Instructions / Orders


Case Laws:

  • Income Tax

  • 2015 (11) TMI 1358
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1314
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1313
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1312
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1311
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1310
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1309
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1308
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1307
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1306
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1305
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1304
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1303
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1302
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1301
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1300
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1299
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1298
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1297
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1296
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1295
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1294
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1293
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1292
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1291
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1290
  • Customs

  • 2015 (11) TMI 1333
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1332
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1331
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1330
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1329
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1328
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1327
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1326
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1325
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1324
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1323
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1322
  • Corporate Laws

  • 2015 (11) TMI 1317
  • Service Tax

  • 2015 (11) TMI 1357
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1356
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1355
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1354
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1353
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1352
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1351
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1350
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1349
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1348
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1347
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1346
  • Central Excise

  • 2015 (11) TMI 1345
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1344
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1343
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1342
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1341
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1340
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1339
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1338
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1337
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1336
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1335
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1334
  • CST, VAT & Sales Tax

  • 2015 (11) TMI 1321
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1320
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1319
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1318
  • Indian Laws

  • 2015 (11) TMI 1316
  • 2015 (11) TMI 1315

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