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Definition / Legal Terminology / Words & Phrases
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Indian Laws - General

Definition / Legal Terminology / Words & Phrases

Chapters / List

  1. A causa de
  2. Ab Initio
  3. A/C Abbreviation
  4. Abjure
  5. About
  6. Abridge
  7. Absconding
  8. Absolute Law
  9. Absolute
  10. Abstract
  11. Abuse
  12. Access
  13. Accession
  14. Accessory
  15. Accident
  16. Accommodation
  17. Accompany
  18. Accrual basis
  19. Accused
  20. Acknowledgement
  21. Acquainted
  22. Distinction between acquiescence and laches
  23. Principle of acquiescence
  24. Acquire
  25. Act of State
  26. Actionable
  27. Actionable Claim
  28. Actual
  29. Actual loss
  30. Actus reus
  31. word ad hoc, stop gap and fortuitous
  32. AD IDEM
  33. Ad punctum temporis
  34. Addressee
  35. Adequate
  36. Adjourn
  37. Adjudication
  38. Admonition
  39. Adopt
  40. Advance
  41. Adverse
  42. Advertisement
  43. Advice
  44. Advise
  45. Affirm
  46. Affix
  47. Aforesaid
  48. Against
  49. Agante
  50. Del credere agent
  51. Mercantile agent
  52. Forwarding agent
  53. Nature of relationship of master and servant, principal and agent, and between principal and principal
  54. Distributor or selling agent
  55. Aggrieved
  56. Agnates
  57. Agony
  58. Agree
  59. Agreement
  60. Agriculturist
  61. Primary agricultural Credit Society
  62. Agricultural Produce
  63. Agriculture
  64. Word "Aid"
  65. Aircraft
  66. Airgun
  67. Alibi
  68. Alimony
  69. Alive
  70. Word "All"
  71. Allegation
  72. Alliance
  73. Allow
  74. Alloy
  75. Word "also"
  76. Alter
  77. Material alteration
  78. Alternative
  79. Patent ambiguity
  80. Latent ambiguity
  81. Amendment
  82. Effect of Amendment- Prospective or retrospective
  83. Amenity
  84. Amicus Curiae
  85. Amnesty
  86. Amortization
  87. Amount
  88. An Anglo-Indian
  89. Anarchy
  90. Ancient
  91. Annoy
  92. Annoyance
  93. Anomaly
  94. Anonymous
  95. Ante Natus
  96. Ante-factum
  97. Antecedent
  98. Word "any"
  99. At Any Time Prior To
  100. At Any Time
  101. Apparatus
  102. Apparent
  103. Apparent heir
  104. Appearance
  105. Appliance
  106. Apportionment
  107. Apprentice
  108. Appropriation/appropriate
  109. Principle of appropriation
  110. Disapproval
  111. Approval
  112. Approximate
  113. Appurtenance
  114. Arable
  115. Manifestly arbitrary
  116. Arbitrary
  117. Archaeology and Epigraphy
  118. Archives
  119. Argument
  120. Arise
  121. Aristocracy
  122. Arrears
  123. Article
  124. Artificial Juridical Person
  125. Meaning of the word 'as'
  126. Expression 'as if'
  127. Phrase 'as is where is'
  128. Word "As per"
  129. Ascertain
  130. Assemble
  131. Assent
  132. Assess
  133. Assessee
  134. Assignee and Nominee
  135. Assignment
  136. Associate
  137. Association
  138. Attachment
  139. Power of Attorney (POA)
  140. Audit
  141. Authentication of electronic records
  142. Authentication
  143. Author
  144. Authority
  145. Autocracy
  146. Autonomy
  147. Autrefois acquit
  148. Principle of ‘autrefois convict’ or ‘double jeopardy’
  149. Business auxiliary service
  150. Auxiliary
  151. Doctrine of avoidable
  152. Avoidance
  153. Rule of bail
  154. Definition of Bail
  155. Ballot
  156. Banking Company
  157. Banking
  158. Expression 'bar'
  159. Barrier
  160. Barter
  161. Before
  162. Behavior
  163. Principles of Beneficial construction
  164. Beneficial Estate
  165. Beneficial Enjoyment
  166. Beneficial Use
  167. Bequeath
  168. Betting and Gambling
  169. Beverages
  170. Doctrine of bias
  171. Test of disqualification due to apparent bias
  172. Word "Bias"
  173. Bicycle and Rickshaw
  174. Right to receive bill of lading and effect of mate's receipt
  175. Binding Effect of circulars / orders / instructions
  176. Bitumen
  177. Blacklist
  178. Blue pencil doctrine (test)
  179. Bodily
  180. Word "Body"
  181. Bolam test
  182. Bona Fide
  183. Word 'Bond'
  184. Bonus
  185. Borrow
  186. Boycott
  187. Brackets Or Parentheses
  188. Brain death/cessation of life
  189. Brick
  190. Bring
  191. Broker
  192. Building
  193. Bullion
  194. Business
  195. Calamity
  196. Can and cannot
  197. Cancel
  198. Principles Of En-Masse Cancellation
  199. Canvas
  200. Caoutchouc
  201. Capita, PER
  202. Capitalisation
  203. Caption
  204. Care-giver
  205. Cargo
  206. Carpet Area
  207. Carry
  208. Cartel
  209. Caste
  210. Casual
  211. Catering establishment
  212. Cause Or Matter
  213. Cause of action
  214. Caveat
  215. Cease
  216. Cereals
  217. Writ of Certiorari
  218. Chairman
  219. Chance
  220. Change
  221. Essential requirements of legal Charity
  222. Charity
  223. Claim
  224. Class
  225. Co-operative Bank
  226. Co-operative society
  227. Coachwork
  228. Word coal
  229. Word Coke
  230. White-collar crime
  231. Collateral contracts and collateral warranties
  232. Collateral challenge or attack
  233. Colon
  234. Commence
  235. Commercial
  236. Communication
  237. Compensation
  238. Doctrine of Competence-Competence(Kompetenz-Kompetenz)
  239. Components
  240. Compromise
  241. Computer Resource
  242. Computer System
  243. Concealment
  244. Concern
  245. Going concern
  246. Congregationalism and episcopal
  247. Connivance
  248. Consent
  249. Consideration
  250. Consignor
  251. Constitution Bench
  252. Consultation
  253. Consumer
  254. Consume
  255. Consumption
  256. Container
  257. Doctrine of Contemporanea Expositio
  258. Contemporaneous
  259. Contest
  260. Non-contestable
  261. Continuing offence
  262. Rule of Contra Proferentem
  263. Contract
  264. Bilateral Contract
  265. Wagering Contract
  266. Distinction between contract of sale and contract for work and labour
  267. A contrario sensu
  268. Contravention
  269. Control
  270. Doctrine of Forum non Conveniens
  271. Principle of forum conveniens
  272. Coparcenary
  273. Corporation tax
  274. Doctrine of "Lifting the Corporate Veil" Or "Piercing the corporate veil"
  275. Corporation aggregate
  276. Body corporate Or Corporation
  277. Corrigendum
  278. Corroboration
  279. Cosmetic
  280. Court
  281. Court of Record
  282. Doctrine Of Coverture
  283. Concept Of Crime
  284. Current Account
  285. Custody
  286. Danger
  287. Days included or excluded
  288. Principle of "De facto Authority"
  289. Dead freight
  290. Dead Rent
  291. Debt
  292. Decoder
  293. Deemed
  294. Doctrine of Delay and Laches
  295. Delegate
  296. Delegation
  297. Democracy
  298. Democracy
  299. Demurrer
  300. Distinction between a "Earnest Or Deposit and An advance part payment of price"
  301. Depository
  302. Term “in derogation of”
  303. Determination
  304. Determine
  305. Obiter dictum (Dicta)
  306. Principles for Understanding the Role of Context, Dictionary Meanings, and Legislative Intent
  307. Digital Signature
  308. Due diligence
  309. Direction
  310. Directly
  311. Disability
  312. Wholly and Permanently Disabled
  313. Disaster
  314. Disbursement
  315. Disclosure
  316. Discretion
  317. Discrimination
  318. Disgraceful Conduct
  319. Dishonour
  320. Disinfectant, Pesticides and Fungicides
  321. Disparage
  322. Dispose
  323. Dispute
  324. Distinction between obiter dictum and ratio decidendi
  325. Distribution
  326. Documents
  327. Dominus Litis
  328. Principle Against Doubtful Penalisation
  329. Word `Due'
  330. Doctrine of 'Duty to Act fairly'
  331. E-commerce operator
  332. Concept of Earnest Money
  333. Non-continuous easement
  334. Edible
  335. Education
  336. Ejusdem generis
  337. "Electronic Mail" and "Electronic Mail Message"
  338. Electromagnetic waves
  339. Electronic record
  340. Electronic verification code
  341. Employ
  342. Employer
  343. Enactments
  344. Encumbrance
  345. Endowment
  346. Enforce
  347. Engineering
  348. Enquiry
  349. Entertain
  350. Entertainment
  351. Entrust
  352. Equivalent
  353. Doctrine of "Escheat" Or "Bona vacantia"
  354. Essential
  355. Establishment
  356. Estate
  357. Estate duty
  358. Word “etc.”
  359. Evade
  360. Ex parte
  361. Exchange
  362. Execute and Executed
  363. Execution
  364. Exhibition
  365. Existence
  366. Expedient
  367. Expenditure
  368. Explosive
  369. Exposition ex visceribus actus
  370. Maxim ‘expressio unius est exclusio alterius’
  371. Extinguishment
  372. Extraordinary circumstances
  373. Fabric
  374. Calender fabrics
  375. False
  376. Family
  377. Principles on Family Settlement or Arrangements
  378. Malfeasance, Misfeasance or Non-feasance
  379. Distinction between Misfeasance (positive action) and Non-feasance (omission)
  380. Federalism
  381. Word 'Fee'
  382. Fertilizer
  383. Fibre
  384. Artificial Fibres
  385. Rayon fibre
  386. Fiduciary relationship
  387. Word "file/filed"
  388. Finance
  389. Finding
  390. Doctrine of First sale/Principle of Exhaustion
  391. Term Fish
  392. Fishing vessel
  393. Fittings
  394. Fluorescence
  395. Fodder
  396. Foodstuff and food
  397. Force Majeure
  398. Forfeiture
  399. Word 'Form'
  400. Forthwith
  401. Founder and foundation
  402. Fraud
  403. Freeze
  404. Word "From"
  405. Functus officio
  406. Furtherance
  407. Word 'Gain'
  408. Galvanization
  409. Game/ Sport
  410. General insurance business
  411. General and Special
  412. Maxim of generalia specialibus non derogant
  413. Distinction between "a Gift and a Grant"
  414. Word 'Gift'
  415. Godowns and warehouses
  416. Good faith
  417. Goods carriage
  418. Goods
  419. Goodwill
  420. Government establishment
  421. Constitutional Government
  422. Gratification
  423. Gross vehicle weight
  424. Group of Companies doctrine
  425. Guarantee
  426. Guardian
  427. Gypsum
  428. Writ of Habeas Corpus
  429. Handicraft
  430. Hard cases
  431. Principle of Harmonious Construction
  432. Hash function
  433. Hazardous
  434. Heavy Passenger Motor Vehicle
  435. Hedging Transaction
  436. Legal heir
  437. Word "Heir"
  438. Classes of Heirs (Muslim Law)
  439. Heydon’s /Mischief Rule
  440. High support
  441. Hinduism
  442. Word "hold" or "held"
  443. Hotel
  444. Hygiene
  445. Immediately
  446. Immovable property
  447. Principles relating to Implied terms
  448. Import and Export
  449. Incident
  450. Incidental
  451. Inclusive education
  452. Income
  453. Inconvenience
  454. Principle of Incorporation
  455. Independent
  456. Indian ship
  457. Indian Insurance Company
  458. Inference
  459. Infirm
  460. Information and communication technology
  461. Inheritance
  462. Initiate
  463. Install
  464. Insult
  465. Insurable Interest
  466. Fidelity insurance
  467. Insurer
  468. Integral
  469. Inter vivos
  470. Interest
  471. Interim Order
  472. International Financial Services Centre
  473. Role of Court in Interpretation
  474. Strict interpretation
  475. Interpretation of treaties
  476. Intersection
  477. Intra Vires
  478. Invention
  479. Involve
  480. Expression “is”
  481. Issue
  482. Jewellery
  483. Joint and Several
  484. Judgment
  485. Principle of Judicial Non-Interference
  486. Judicially separated
  487. Jurisdiction
  488. Jurisdictional fact
  489. Word Just
  490. Just and Equitable
  491. Khadi
  492. Knowledge
  493. Constructive knowledge
  494. Word 'land'
  495. BY-LAWS
  496. Lease
  497. Financial lease
  498. Legal Representative
  499. Legal proceedings
  500. Legal person
  501. Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation
  502. Lethal
  503. Levy
  504. Liability
  505. Licence
  506. Word 'Lien'
  507. Statutory lien
  508. Maritime lien
  509. Words “in lieu of”
  510. Life Insurance Business
  511. Light Motor Vehicle
  512. Lime (calcium oxide)
  513. Statutes of limitation
  514. Limited liability partnership agreement
  515. Liquidated damages and Penalties
  516. Word ‘Lis’
  517. Livestock
  518. Word Loan
  519. Local
  520. Local Area
  521. Local authority
  522. Locus standi
  523. Word lorry/Truck and Cranes
  524. Word 'loss'
  525. Non-Pecuniary loss 
  526. Constructive loss
  527. Luxury
  528. Made/ Make
  529. Mala fides
  530. Management Sciences
  531. Concept of Mandamus
  532. Manufacture
  533. Interpretation of Marginal note
  534. Marketing
  535. Distinction between `Material facts' and `Material particulars'
  536. Material
  537. Means and Includes
  538. Medicine
  539. Medium Goods Vehicle
  540. Medium Passenger Motor Vehicle
  541. Meeting
  542. Menace
  543. Word "mere"
  544. Metropolitan area
  545. Word "mill"
  546. Differences between Mill board and straw board
  547. Mimansa Rules of Interpretation [Gunapradhan Axiom]
  548. De minimis
  549. Ministerial, ministerial office, ministerial act and ministerial duty
  550. Minority
  551. Misconduct
  552. Mistake
  553. Mistake Or Error Apparent
  554. Modify
  555. Modo et forma
  556. Money
  557. Monopoly
  558. Calender month
  559. Moral Turpitude
  560. Morality AND Immoral
  561. Movable Property
  562. Mutatis Mutandis
  563. Doctrine of Mutuality
  564. Namely
  565. Natural Justice
  566. Natural Gas
  567. Nazul
  568. Necessaries
  569. Negligence
  570. Negotiation
  571. Non obstante clause / Notwithstanding
  572. Non-Banking Financial Company(NBFC)
  573. Doctrine of Noscitur A Sociis
  574. Word "note"
  575. ‘Giving of notice’ and ‘receiving of the notice’
  576. Novation
  577. Nudum pactum
  578. Nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria
  579. Nursery
  580. Objection
  581. Obscenity
  582. Observation
  583. Obstruct
  584. Obtain
  585. Occasion
  586. Doctrine of Occupied Field
  587. Occurrence
  588. Word "of"
  589. Of Course
  590. Offensive
  591. Office
  592. Colour of office
  593. On account
  594. Word 'only'
  595. Open Market
  596. By Operation of Law
  597. Difference between “Decision” and “Opinion”
  598. change of opinion
  599. ‘Or’, ‘may’ and ‘And’
  600. Ordinary
  601. Organise
  602. Originator
  603. Other
  604. Owelty
  605. Own, Ownership, Owned
  606. Word Pane
  607. Paper
  608. Doctrine of Parens Patriae
  609. Pari passu
  610. Pari Materia
  611. Parole
  612. Part performance
  613. Participant
  614. Particle Boards
  615. Partner
  616. Partnership
  617. Patent
  618. “Patented article” and “Patented process”
  619. Patently illegal
  620. Paternity
  621. Patterns, Dies and templates
  622. Expression 'in the pay of'
  623. Payable
  624. Payment
  625. Pending
  626. Pension
  627. Concept Of Pension
  628. People
  629. Per Incuriam
  630. Perfume
  631. Permanent
  632. Perpetuity
  633. Person
  634. Person with benchmark disability
  635. Personal law
  636. Personal
  637. Perverse
  638. Petroleum
  639. Philanthropic
  640. Doctrine of Pith and Substance
  641. Word "Plain"
  642. Plastic
  643. Pledge
  644. Word 'poor'
  645. Population
  646. Portable
  647. Physical and Legal Possession
  648. Dispossession and Discontinuance
  649. Potato
  650. Impracticable
  651. Practicable
  652. Pre- Emption: Future Domain Doctrine
  653. Rule of Binding Precedence(Article 141)
  654. Precincts
  655. Precise
  656. Preference
  657. Without prejudice
  658. Prejudice
  659. Premeditate
  660. Premises
  661. Preparatory
  662. Preponderance
  663. doctrine of the balance or preponderance of probabilities
  664. Prerogative
  665. Presumption
  666. Price
  667. Principal
  668. Principle
  669. Printing
  670. Priori Petent
  671. Private establishment
  672. Privilege
  673. Parliamentary Privileges
  674. Doctrine of Privity
  675. Probability
  676. Process
  677. Produce and Production
  678. Profession and Occupation
  679. Practise the Profession of Law
  680. Pronounce
  681. "Burden Of Proof" and "Onus Of Proof"
  682. Property
  683. Doctrine of Proportionality
  684. Proportionality Test
  685. Proprietorship
  686. Propriety
  687. Doctrine of Prospective Overruling-
  688. Protest
  689. Defeat the provision of law
  690. Provision
  691. Proviso
  692. Prurient
  693. Public facilities and services
  694. Public building
  695. Public Interest Litigation(PIL)
  696. Public policy
  697. Public purpose
  698. Public Servant
  699. Doctrine of the Public Trust
  700. Public Utility
  701. Publish
  702. Purge
  703. Purport
  704. Purpose and intention
  705. Purposive approach
  706. Pushtaini and Gair Pushtaini
  707. Qualification
  708. Quarry
  709. Question of law
  710. Question/doubt
  711. Quia Timet
  712. Writ Of Quo warranto
  713. Quorum
  714. Railway
  715. Ratio decidendi
  716. Raw Material
  717. Principles of “Reading Down”
  718. Reason
  719. Reason To Believe
  720. Reasonable accommodation
  721. Reasonable
  722. Rebate and Concession
  723. Recapitalization
  724. Receipt
  725. Reckless
  726. Recommend
  727. Record
  728. Rectify
  729. Refuse and Withdraw
  730. Registered organisation
  731. Regulate
  732. Rehabilitation
  733. Reinstate
  734. “in relation to”
  735. Religion
  736. Religious denomination
  737. Partial remission
  738. Remission
  739. Word 'Rent'
  740. Effect of repeal
  741. Repeal, Substitute and Omission
  742. Repugnancy
  743. Word "RES"
  744. Principles of Res Judicata
  745. Principle of Res ipsa loquitur
  746. Resides
  747. Resins
  748. Resources
  749. Word 'Rest'
  750. Restitution
  751. Restriction
  752. Difference between "Voluntary retirement" and "Resignation"
  753. Retrospective/ Retroactivity
  754. Revenue
  755. Review
  756. Reward
  757. Term 'road'
  758. Letter rogatory
  759. Royalty
  760. Commonsense Construction Rule
  761. Rule of Law
  762. Word 'Sale'
  763. Word "same"
  764. Sanction
  765. Saving clause
  766. Scandal
  767. Scheme
  768. Scrap
  769. Scrip
  770. Sea-going
  771. Security
  772. Security receipt
  773. Concept of Separability or severability
  774. Separation of powers: a nuanced modern doctrine
  775. Setting up
  776. Word 'shall'
  777. Shearing
  778. Ships
  779. Word 'shop'
  780. Short circuit
  781. Show cause
  782. Signature
  783. Sine die
  784. Slurry
  785. Software
  786. term ‘sole’ or ‘solely’
  787. As soon as practicable
  788. Source
  789. Special Employment Exchange
  790. Specific
  791. Specified disability
  792. Spectacles
  793. Spend
  794. Spiritual
  795. Standard
  796. Doctrine of Stare Decisis
  797. Status
  798. Status quo
  799. Statute
  800. Declaratory statutes
  801. Stipend
  802. Store or storage 
  803. Strand
  804. Principles of Strict Construction
  805. Word "strip"
  806. Structure
  807. Subject to
  808. Officer, Subordinate, Officer subordinate
  809. Subrogation
  810. Subsidy
  811. Substance
  812. Substantial
  813. Doctrine of 'Substantial Compliance' and 'Intended use'
  814. Substantive evidence
  815. Substantive clause
  816. Substantive law and Procedural law
  817. Successor
  818. Word ‘such’
  819. Sufficient cause
  820. Suggestio Falsi
  821. Suggestion
  822. Sui Generis
  823. Sui Juris
  824. Law suit
  825. Word 'Suit'
  826. Word "sum"
  827. Summary
  828. Supervision
  829. Supervisor
  830. To supply
  831. Support
  832. Supposition
  833. Suppress
  834. Supra 
  835. Surcharge
  836. Surplus
  837. Suspension
  838. Tangible
  839. Intangible asset
  840. Tax on Income
  841. Tax on the Sale or purchase of goods
  842. Distinction between a Tax and Fee
  843. Taxation
  844. Word "tea"
  845. Technology
  846. Telescope and Theodolite
  847. Tenancy and Tenancy at sufferance
  848. Incidents of tenancy
  849. 'Tenant' and 'Holdover Tenant'
  850. Tender
  851. Difference between auction and tender
  852. Tenure
  853. Doctrine of Territorial Nexus
  854. Textile
  855. Words "that is to say"
  856. Thing
  857. Word "this" and "that"
  858. Through
  859. Timber
  860. From time to time
  861. Word 'to'
  862. Expression "tolls"
  863. Tonnage
  864. Expression "toy""
  865. Tractor
  866. Trade
  867. Concept of trade mark
  868. Transcript
  869. Transfer
  870. Transit
  871. Transportation systems
  872. Treaty shopping
  873. Trespass
  874. Word 'trial'
  875. True and first inventor
  876. Trust
  877. Doctrine of Uberrima fidei
  878. Ultimate
  879. Doctrine of ultra vires 
  880. Undertake/Undertaking
  881. Undisclosed Foreign Income and Asset
  882. Undisclosed Asset Located Outside India
  883. Unemployment
  884. Unfair competition
  885. Unilateral
  886. Unincorporated Body
  887. Universal design
  888. University
  889. Doctrine of Unjust Enrichment
  890. Unladen weight
  891. Word 'use'
  892. Utensil
  893. Valuable
  894. Valuable consideration
  895. Volume and Value
  896. Value of an Undisclosed Asset
  897. Time value of money
  898. Varnish
  899. Vegetable
  900. Venire
  901. Verdict
  902. Verify
  903. Verify
  904. Versus
  905. Ocean-going vessel-going vessel
  906. Vesting
  907. Expression "Veto"
  908. Vexatious
  909. Expression "Vide"
  910. Expression "View"
  911. Vigilance
  912. Village Industry
  913. Vitiate
  914. Voir dire 
  915. Voluntary
  916. Expression "Vote"
  917. Voucher
  918. Wages
  919. Waiver
  920. Principle of Waiver
  921. Warranty
  922. Waste
  923. Wealth
  924. Weaving
  925. Born Out Of Wedlock
  926. Wednesbury principle
  927. Expression "Week"
  928. Word "when"
  929. Whistleblower
  930. Whole
  931. Wholesale
  932. Wilful/wilful disobedience
  933. Willful
  934. Will, Joint wills and Mutual wills
  935. Winnings
  936. Withhold
  937. "Mandatory and Directory Or Permissive Words"
  938. Statutory Interpretation of 'words and phrases'
  939. Work of Art
  940. Workman
  941. Worth
  942. Word 'Yarn'

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